Meet The Artist

Welcome to Unravelling Curves! I'm the artist behind the captivating world of mandala art that you see on this site. My passion for creativity and love for the spiritual world led me to explore the mystical realm of mandalas. Each of my mandala creations is infused with a unique energy that touches the hearts and minds of all who view them. My art is more than just a beautiful display of colors and patterns - it is a reflection of my innermost being, and a channel for my desire to spread positivity and hope.

Alongside my creative work, I'm also a fierce advocate for underprivileged girls, and have dedicated my art to support Aaghaaz - a social enterprise that I founded that provides training and job opportunities for these girls. This has become an integral part of my artistic journey, and I'm proud to use my art to make a positive impact in the world.

I invite you to explore my mandala art and get to know the story behind each creation. I hope that my art brings you joy, peace, and inspiration, and that together we can support underprivileged girls through Aaghaaz. Thank you for joining me on this creative and meaningful journey.